160x150 - From Cuore e Batticuore comes this offering featuring the verse "I love cross-stitch more than chocolat cookies and cakes" with a little girl holding her stitching on top of a cupcake, surrounding is a mug filled with floss, a tea pot pincushion, and bowl filled with bobbies and pair of scissors - translations in Italian, French, Spanish, and English included - D Stitched on 32 Ct. Light Mocha Belfast Linen DMC used: White, 818, 604, 309, 325, 645, and 434
Prices for these designs are subject to change as they are imported from overseas and the prices change with every shipment that is received in our country.
These patterns come from overseas and if our stock is depleted, could the 4 to 6 weeks
to receive back into stock and the prices change with every shipment that is received in our country. Thank you for your patience.